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Club Member Web Pages

The following are links to members with their own web pages. If you are a club member and would like your page linked here, just send an e-mail with your request to the SARC webmaster using the e-mail button at the bottom of this page. The pages linked to are individual's pages and do not necessarily represent the Sacramento Amateur Radio Club's views or opinions.

Tom Preston KQ6EO


Misc Links

The following are links to interesting sites provided by club members. Again, these sites are not affiliated with the Sacramento Amateur Radio Club and do not represent the club's official views or opinion.

Sacramento AREDN Mesh Group

AREDN Mesh Network Site

KQ6EO Extensive Links Page

Chris Huber's N6ICW Repeater


Sacramento Area Nets

Daily12:00:00 Sacramento Noon Net Emergency oriented net at Noon every day of the year by Sacramento Amateur Radio Club -
W6AK 146.910 - 162.2
K6JRB 145.450 - 203.5
Sunday19:30:00 Placer County ARES Net EmComm/Msg Drills
W6EK 145.430 - 162.2
Sunday19:30:00 Berryessa Amateur Repeater "Klub" Net BARK
KE6YUV 146.970 - 123.0
Sunday20:00:00 City of Davis CERT
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Sunday20:00:00 Cal State Sacramento Radio Club Net Net features AR Newsline and the R.A.I.N. Report audio broadcasts
KC6MHT 145.230 - 162.2
KC6MHT 224.220 - 123.0
Monday12:30:00 U.C. Davis Amateur Radio Communications Net U.C. Davis Amateur Radio Communications group
K6JRB 145.450 - 203.5
W6AK 146.910 - 162.2
Monday19:00:00 Sacramento Area Radio Communications Reserve Net
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
KB6SJT 224.400 - 136.5
Monday19:30:00 El Dorado ARES Net
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Monday19:30:00 Ham Radio News AR Newsline and The R.A.I.N. Report
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0
Monday19:30:00 Sacramento Sheriff SHARP Drill
KS6HRP 146.610 - 136.5
Monday20:00:00 Yolo ARES Net
KE6YUV 146.970 + 123.0
N6QDY 147.255 + 123.0
Monday20:30:00 Yolo ARS Club EmComm Drill
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Tuesday19:00:00 Yuba/Sutter ARC Net
WD6AXM 146.085 + 127.3
Tuesday19:00:00 Nevada County ARC 2 Meter net
W6DD 147.285 + 151.4
Tuesday19:05:00 Nevada County ARC HF net immediately after the 2 Meter net
W6DD 28.453
Tuesday20:00:00 El Dorado ARC Net
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Tuesday20:00:00 North Hills Radio Club Amateur Net
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
K6IS 145.190 - 123.0
Wednesday10:00:00 Western Placer ARC
K6PAC 147.300 + 67.0
Wednesday19:00:00 NorCal SKYWARN Net
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Wednesday19:00:00 El Dorado Skywarn
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Wednesday19:00:00 Elk Grove-Florin ARC
N6NA 145.250 - 162.2
Wednesday19:30:00 Staniwslaus County ARES SARA
WD6EJF 145.390 - 136.5
Wednesday20:00:00 River City ARCS Club Net
N6NA 145.250 - 162.2
Thursday19:00:00 Yuba/Sutter ARES Net
WD6AXM 146.085 + 127.3
Thursday19:30:00 ARRL SV Section Net Second Thursday of the month
WD6AXM 3987 KHz
Thursday19:30:00 Sierra Foothills Radio Group Net
W6EK 145.430 - 162.2
Thursday20:00:00 North Hills Radio Club Net
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
K6IS 145.190 - 123.0
Thursday20:00:00 Swap Meet with Armand
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0






Section 1.1 This organization shall be known as the SACRAMENTO AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC., (aka SARC).

ARTICLE II - Objectives

Section 1.1 The objectives of the Club are:

1. To promote interest in Amateur Radio communications and to further aid in the development of the art;

2. To act in protecting the rights of Amateur Radio operators;

3. To assist all Amateurs in abiding by the Radio Amateur's Code;

4. To offer aid to those interested in becoming Radio Amateurs;

5. To offer radio communication assistance to State, County, and Municipal governments, and disaster relief organizations in emergencies affecting the health and safety of the community;

6. To offer radio communication for local special events to aid with medical emergencies and communication between posts regarding events, thus lessening the burden of need for governmental public service;

7. To afford a daily opportunity for emergency oriented Amateurs and public service organizations to make announcements and pass along information.

ARTICLE III - Membership

Section 1.1 Regular membership in this organization shall consist of persons of good repute who are interested in Amateur Radio.

Section 1.2 Membership shall not be denied or restricted because of age, race, color, creed or national origin.

Section 2.1 Membership shall be obtained by application in writing and acceptance by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE IV - Government

Section 1.1 Government of the Club shall be vested in its officers, as provided for in the Bylaws.

ARTICLE V - Meetings

Section 1.1 The December meeting shall be the annual meeting.

Section 1.2 Regular and special meetings shall be held according to the Bylaws.

Section 1.3 Special event held in the last full weekend of June each year.

ARTICLE VI - Amendments

Section 1. This Constitution may be amended, enlarged or repealed by vote of a majority of the members present in person at any meeting of the members, the notice of which shall have included notice of the proposed amendment, enlargement or repeal; but only if, such majority shall consist of not less than twenty percent (20%) of all members entitled to vote.



Section 1. Classes of Membership. Membership in the Club shall consist of two classes: Regular members and Associate members. Regular members shall be valid licensed Amateurs and Associate members shall be members who do not hold an Amateur Radio license.

Section 2. Honorary Members. The executive committee may confer Honorary Membership upon persons of distinction in their field for such reasons as the Executive Committee may feel are good and sufficient.

Section 3. Membership dues. All members, except Honorary Members, family, and student members shall pay dues of sixteen dollars ($20.00) per calendar year. Student dues shall be eight dollars ($10.00) per year; students shall be enrolled in at least 12 units. New members joining after January may have their dues prorated. Immediate family dues; five dollars ($5.00) for each member after the first family member who shall pay twenty ($20.00) per year. Family members must be at the same mailing address. There will be a repeater donation of $4.00 included within the dues to provide for any equipment that may be needed for this reason.

Section 4. Voting Rights. Each regular member of the Club, except Honorary Members, shall be entitled to one vote at any meeting of the Club.

Section 5. Termination. After fulfilling all obligations to the Club, any member may resign by giving written notice to the Secretary.

If any member shall become ninety (90) days in arrears in payment of his dues, his membership shall automatically terminate; however, said member may be reinstated by the Executive Committee after payment of back dues in full.

If the Executive Committee shall find that any member has acted in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Club or to the furtherance of its objectives, or who conducts himself at a meeting or on the air in a manner unbecoming an Amateur's conduct; then in any such case the Executive Committee, after having given such member an opportunity to be heard and after having considered the facts of the case, may by written notice sent by mail to such member at his address recorded with the Club, terminate his membership.

ARTICLE II - Meetings

Section 1. The regular meetings of the members of the Club shall be the second Wednesday of the month.

Section 2. The business at the December annual meeting shall include the election of the Officers for the next year.

Section 3. At the October meeting of each year candidates shall be nominated for the various offices of the Club for the following year.

Section 4. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Notice of each meeting of members whether annual, regular or special shall be given at least two (2) days before the day on which the meeting is to be held and be given to each member by mail addressed to him or her at his or her address registered with the Club, or the registered e-mail address as provided on the membership application. If the time of a normal monthly meeting conflicts with a major holiday period, the Executive Committee may change the meeting time to a more suitable date and notify the membership as provided above.

Section 6. At all meetings of the members, the presence in person of twenty-five percent (25%) the voting members of the Club shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business.

ARTICLE III - Officers

Section 1. Only licensed Amateurs, as regular members, may hold elective office.

Section 2. The officers of this organization shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and no more than six Directors, two of which, may include the trustee of the club radio license W6AK, and the newsletter editor. Up to six (6) Directors are regular members elected by the members to attend to the administrative affairs of the Club.

Section 3. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall preside over all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee; call meetings; and appoint all committees as may prove necessary, reflecting always the wishes of the body at large.

Section 4. The Vice President shall perform all duties assigned to him by the President, and in the absence of the President shall be the presiding officer at meetings.

Section 5. The Secretary shall attend to giving notice of all meetings of members and of the Executive Committee and shall keep and attest true records of all proceedings thereat. Additionally, the secretary must maintain copies of all documents such as the current insurance, a list of the current membership, and any and all membership applications.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall have care and custody of all monies and funds of the Club and shall deposit or cause to be deposited all funds of the Club in the authorized depository of the Club. The Treasurer shall also record and provide receipts for all payments of monthly dues and repeater donations. The treasurer is to keep all state and federal tax forms, the exempt statuses current and the account balances available for review as requested by the members, the general public, and/or state or federal appointees.

ARTICLE IV - Committees

Section 1. The officers of the Club shall comprise the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Executive Committee may create groups of members to further special interests, skills and service to the community.

Article V – Dissolution of Organization

Section 1. Each Member and Honorary Member of this organization shall be notified by mail addressed to him or her at his or her address registered with the Club, or the registered e-mail address as provided on the membership application on the case of dissolution of this organization.

Section 2. Upon dissolution of this organization the monies within the fund will be disbursed to aid in the continuation of those eager to successfully gain their amateur license, or to further their upgrades thereafter.

ARTICLE VI - Amendments Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended, enlarged or repealed by vote of a majority of the members present in person at any meeting of the members, the notice of which shall have included notice of the proposed amendment, enlargement or repeal; but only if such majority shall consist if not less than twenty percent (20%) of all members entitled to vote.

ADOPTED ON THIS _______ DAY OF __________________, 2014, AND TO TAKE EFFECT ON May 1st, 2014. Last updated by KQ6EO 8/7/16



 SARC Members





K6AGWAllen Mason
KM6BTELana McAllister
WD6DCVFrank Zawalick
KQ6EOTom PrestonThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(916)722-9358
KK6GRTMike Perrin
KK6IQRJoel McAllister
W6LFRLee RomingerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(916)208-7087
KC6MHTSteve Sparks
WP2NCraig Bruce
KN6SKKGrover Sandy
WA6TQJGary MattesonThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
KK6USEBill Hartley
KK6USHVirginia Hartley
K0VQRMike Cunningham
KG6VSKYong Hwan Shin
KN6VYAGreg Nicholson
KK6YYFWally Dunning
KC6ZWRDolly Rominger


Kid's Day - January 2nd, 2021


We made the club's 2-Meter Repeater available for Sacramento area amateurs participating in the ARRL sponsored "Kid's Day" event on January 5th, 2019. This event was a real success with lots of activity on the repeater by both young and old. We look forward to each years event. Kid's Day is intended to encourage young people (licensed or not) to enjoy Amateur Radio. It gives young people hands-on experience so they might develop an interest in pursuing a license in the future. It is also intended to give hams a chance to share their station with children.

Date: January 2nd, 2021.

Time: 1800 - 2400 Z (which is 1100 to 1700 local Sacramento time). Please leave the SARC repeater clear from 12:00 to approximately 12:30 for the daily SARC Noon Net.

Suggested Exchange: Station callsign, operator name, age, location, and favorite color. You are encouraged to work the same station again if the operator has changed. Call "CQ Kid's Day".

Suggested Frequencies:

  • 10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz
  • 12 Meters: 24.960 to 24.980 MHz
  • 15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz
  • 17 Meters: 18.140 to 18.145 MHz
  • 20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz
  • 40 Meters: 7.270 to 7.290 MHz
  • 80 Meters: 3.740 to 3.940 MHz
  • 2-meter repeater frequencies with permission from your area repeater sponsor.

Observe third party traffic restrictions when making DX QSOs.

Reporting: Check the ARRL website for the lastest reporting rules.

Awards: All participants are eligible to receive a colorful certificate (it becomes the child's personalized sales brochure on ham radio). Check the ARRL website for the lastest awards procedures.